Sunday, November 30, 2008

Bike video

Here's our groups 2nd talent video...we interviewed Casey from RWU who is a competitive biker. The video is kinda quiet but he was a good sport and gave us alot of great information. We filmed using the flip for this video.

We should have gotten more b-roll of him doing tricks and maybe had him speak a little louder. Adding music would have also made the video more interesting.

I actually did add music to the video, it's just very hard to hear. Being alone in the Mac Lab and having head phones really makes a difference in sound. I changed the volume of the music (Wailing Paddle, by Big D and the Kids Table) and his voice a lot until I thought it was pretty good, but obviously I was wrong. The music and his voice sounded way louder in Final Cut, but after it came up on YouTube and I watched it the next day the sound quality pretty much sucked. I also wanted a lot more camera shots of him doing tricks, but he said he didn't have the right bike or the right setting to do any more tricks except jumping down the stairs, so we took a couple of that. I also wanted to speed up the videos, but for some reason Final Cut wouldn't let me; I thought at first it was because we used the Flip, but I've changed the speed with the Flip before, so I don't know exactly what Final Cut was up to. At least it was a sunny day.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Music video -- fall

So this is our first attempt at a "music video". Since the seasons our changing we decided to do something on all the foliage. We originally had a U2 song that was perfect for the video since it had to do with the fall and leaves dying but it ended up not working out. We also used Scullys camera with all the new lenses to help with the colors of the leaves.

We were alittle disappointed with the foliage we got because there was a huge rain storm the night before we filmed which kind of wiped out all the remaining leaves. But we got the best that we could! The lighting and colors weren't as vibrant as we hoped with the camera. I (Liz) was filming for this video and as you can tell i'm not the best camera woman! When i used the "pro" camera i thought that the footage i was getting would show up better but it was blurry and not as bright as i hoped it would be. We had a good idea just couldn't get it on video!

This was, without doubt, the video from hell. Everything that could go wrong, went wrong. The song we were going to use didn't work out; Final Cut froze on me--twice; I saved the video and went to another Mac Lab to put music to it because I had a meeting, but it didn't work (luckily the video was still saved on the North Campus Lab); it was a rainy week, and started to get cold, so shots were harder to get. But for all the problems I think it came out pretty well. I ended up using a song my old band (Cookie Monster and Friends) wrote a while back, and learned how to cut it to make it shorter but still sound ok. I thought the footage actually came out pretty well too. I tried to sync the video shots with the music, and when the music picked up I sped every video up and put them in reverse...kinda like Fall dying but than coming back to life...

Monday, November 3, 2008

Talent Video -- Guitar

This is our groups first talent video. We decided to interview Bobby Hensley a recent graduate of Roger Williams. Bob talks about how he got started playing the guitar, his favorite bands to sing, and what he wants to do in the future with his talent. We also had him singing a couple of songs.

I (Liz) actually filmed this video and I'm not normally the one in charge of the camera. So since we lost an hour during the day due to day light savings...I was forced to film inside. We were in his home in Warren and even though the background isn't the greatest for the theme of the video, it was unfortunately the only room with enough light. We had a lot of great footage of him singing full songs but didn't put them into the final video. Hopefully when I get enough time I can post the rest of him so that people can hear the full songs!


This was the first video that we put music to. I tried to have his songs playing constantly in the background, and than after he was done talking a bit switch to a shot of him singing right where the music picked up. It actually worked, though the video itself probably should have had him playing in a different area so that it wasn't the same shot throughout. I also didn't know we could change the volume, so the singing/guitar is the same volume throughout, when it should have been louder when he wasn't talking. Oh well, I know for next time.